Great Impression to Meet Mr. Brent

On Wednesday September 5th, we got a foreigner visiting from New Zealand that his name is Mr. Brent. He visited Indonesia since October last year and having long journey to visit several schools in Indonesia. In New Zealand, he is a Social and Music teacher. He had been visiting Bali, Makassar, Solo, Klaten, Jogja and now he is in lampung to visit Sekolah Global Madani presented New Zealand original culture Mauri and explained learning strategies to teachers and students.
Visiting activities had started in the morning that got welcoming performanced by English ambassador of Elementary School of Global Madani and assisted by principals. The students performed dance and sing “Laskar Pelangi” song, while several students gave some souvenirs of letter to Mr. Brent. Afterwards, six students of English ambassador that divided into three floors guided Mr. Brent for looking around Elementary School building and gave explanation in each room of building.
At 8 a.m., Mr. Brent started his schedule for visiting classes from grade 2 to grade 6 until 11.30 a.m. and students were very excited to meet him, Mr. Brent always started his classes by singing and playing guitar with all students. That was one of his learning strategies to learn language and also he presented New Zealand profile, original culture and tribe of New Zealand and also Mauri language that seemed like Bahasa and Javanese language, so it was quite easy to pronounce it. In each session, that was asking and answering activity from students to Mr. Brent and also in English class, several students practiced to make a conversation immediately with Mr. Brent as a native speaker. That was cool!
On Friday, we invited Mr. Brent to join Friday fun in the school besides to open and start our English program that is English Day. English Day program starts in this week, we have once a week that is Friday to be an English Day. So all participants, students and teachers have to speak English begin from morning to dismissal time. Also the English ambassadors are going to be an English police to watch, warn, and write students who break the rule. Mr. Brent always gave advice to students for increasing their English capability and skills, since it was very important to go everywhere by talking this international language. Students can start by singing an English song, like Mr. Brent did to learn Indonesia language by “Halo-Halo Bandung” and “Abang Tukang Bakso” song. So never give up to reach your dream and he said that School of Global Madani’s students have a great behave, respect, and teachers are very care with their students. He didn’t find it in others school that he had visited. So thank you Mr. Brent and nice to see you!
Written by M. Ramadhan, S.Pd.
Editor by Yeni Marlena, S.Pd. and Anis Okta Fiana, S.Pd.I.