Senior High School of Global Madani started this new Academic Year 2021/2021 by conducting Student Orientation (ORIESIS) to welcome new students of SMA Global Madani Batch 11. It was held on July 8-9, 2021 which was attended by 95 students. Due to the impacts of the Emergency Public Activities Restriction (PPKM) in Bandar Lampung, Oriesis activities were conducted virtually via Zoom meetings with the theme “New Normal in Pandemic, Get Ready to be Fantastic.” This program aims to introduce the environment and academic culture in School of Global Madani and align it with blended and hybrid learning activities during the pandemic.
Alhamdulillah, the Oriesis was successfully opened by a welcoming speech from delivered by Dr. Ir Erwanto, M.S. as the Governing Board of Yayasan Pendidikan Global Madani. Then the activity ran with the introduction session and mingling together by writing down their self-introductions, hopes, and dreams in SMA Global Madani via Linoit.com in order to create more engaging activities. All the students actively wrote their profiles and were very enthusiastic during the interview session. After the Mingling session, students took part in the session of “My School My Second Home” delivered by the principal of SMA Global Madani, Mr. Rofi Darojat Lc. M.H. Through the virtual school touring activity, he explained about school facilities and infrastructure as well as activities during the learning process, for both academic and non-academic. In addition, students also learned about the Code of Conduct of Global Madani and ExcellAppreciation, presented by Mr. Syofian Hadi S.Pd., Gr., the Vice-Principal of Student Affairs of SMA Global Madani.
On the second day, Friday, July 9th, 2021, Oriesis began with NASEC (Nine Aspects of SGM Enriched Curriculum) and Hybrid-Learning delivered by the Vice-Principal of Curriculum Affairs, Ms. Irayanti S.Pd. She elaborated NASEC, blended and hybrid-learning, and also the platforms used by SMA Global Madani during the remote learning. Then, students were divided into several groups and entered the breakout rooms to learn Hymn and March of Global Madani in which each rooms were led by two tutors from Student Organization (OSIS). At the end of the activities, students played Quizziz to review the materials they learned during the Oriesis program. It’s so Fun! They enjoyed the activities so much.
Welcome Batch 11!
Online or Offline Class, Kita tetap berintegritas!
Insan Islami Cerdas Bermartabat
Writer: Fita Sari, S.S.
Editor: Syofian Hadi, S.Pd., Gr.